Duration 5:52

28 Low Light Indoor Plants Safe for Cats and Dogs | Pet Safe Plants petsafe

1 129 watched
Published 6 Jun 2023

Are you a houseplant enthusiast looking forward to having safe plants for pets? We have prepared a list of some non-toxic, Low Light Indoor Plants Safe for Cats and Dogs, approved by ASPCA. Give your interior a touch of green with these houseplants, and stay assured of your pets! Ponytail Palm: Resembling a palm tree, this ornamental houseplant is highly drought-tolerant. With its slow growth and low care requirements, it's a favorite among pet lovers. Spider Plant: Easy to grow and adaptable, this plant purifies the air by removing formaldehyde and xylene. It's also non-toxic and perfect for homes with cats. Cast Iron Plant: Sporting lush green foliage, this plant reaches heights of 2-3 feet. It's a slow grower and survives extreme conditions, ideal for busy pet owners. Prayer Plant: This plant has glossy, dark-green leaves with red veins and grows horizontally up to 10-12 inches. If your pets accidentally take a bite, there's no need to worry. Zebra Calathea: Known for bicolor-green foliage and silver brushmarks, it can brighten up any space. It grows up to 3 feet and is completely safe for pets. Boston Fern: Famed for its stunning foliage, Boston Ferns are great for window boxes or hanging baskets. Plus, they're non-toxic for pets. Fittonia: This low-growing creeper has bright green leaves with red veins and silver linings. Growing up to 10-12 inches, it's a pet-friendly houseplant. Parlor Palm: Ideal for offices and homes, the green fronds of parlor palm arch downwards. It has great air-purifying capabilities and is safe for pets. Gloxinia: This plant sports trumpet-shaped flowers over velvety foliage, in hues like crimson, violet, and white. It grows 6-12 inches tall and is safe even for curious dogs. Baby Rubber Plant: This plant doesn’t require much attention and has fleshy stems that store water. While the original rubber plant is slightly toxic to pets, this one isn't. Wax Plant: Commonly grown in pots and hanging baskets, this plant has waxy foliage. It's also safe for pets. Peacock Plant: With glossy foliage and dark-green blotches along the veins, it resembles peacock feathers. It's non-toxic for both cats and dogs. Moth Orchid: This plant's long-lasting and fragrant flowers elevate moods with their outstanding aroma. At about a foot tall, it's also pet-friendly. Staghorn Fern: This unique fern has overlapping flat leaves. It belongs to the polypod family and is completely safe for pets. Bromeliads: These plants offer an exotic touch with their showy red and yellow flowers over contrasting green foliage. Zebra Plant: Its stripes of green and cream colors on waxy foliage resemble those on a zebra. At a height of up to 12 inches, it's a beautiful, pet-friendly indoor plant. Burro’s Tail: This succulent has fleshy blue-green fat leaves and dangling stems. It's safe for cats and dogs. Pearl Plant: This hardy succulent has pearl-like tubercles over its blue-green leaves. It's a beautiful addition to any succulent collection and is safe for pets. African Violet: This striking houseplant is a great addition for pet owners. It should be placed away from drafty windows or vents. Polka Dot Plant: This plant grows up to a foot tall indoors. Keep it near an east-facing window for the best growth. Watermelon Peperomia: Known for its watermelon-like foliage, it is safe around pets and should be kept out of direct sunlight. Pilea Silver Sparkle: This pet-friendly plant is a good choice for beginners. Place it near a window with filtered light and always keep the soil moist. Friendship Plant: With intricately patterned leaves, it's soft to touch and safe for pets. Areca Palm: This butterfly palm grows 4-6 feet tall with big, beautiful fronds. It's a great way to impress guests while keeping your pets safe. Haworthia: This succulent is a safe alternative to Aloe Vera. It's safe for cats and dogs, low-maintenance, and requires some indirect light. Swedish Ivy: This low-maintenance houseplant has dainty green leaves. It makes your home smell aromatic due to its small lilac flowers and is safe for animals. Purple Passion: Safe for cats and dogs, this beautiful houseplant has purple speckles dusted over each leaf. It thrives in bright, diffused light and moist soil. Chinese Money Plant: This low-maintenance plant is safe even after nibbling, and is said to bring good luck. Found this video helpful? Make sure to like the video and subscribe! #dogs #pets #cats #plants #gardening


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