Duration 8:00

The Passenger Jet That Flew Into A Tornado | NLM City Hopper Flight 431

132 268 watched
5.4 K
Published 26 Sep 2021

Donations are never expected but appreciated: paypal.me/miniaircrash Join My Discord: https://discord.gg/rhDgbc9 Fokker Image:Christian Volpati - http://www.airlinefan.com/airline-photos/9753121/NLM/Fokker/F28/PH-CHI/ Mesocylone Image: Michael Graf - Own work Mesocylone Line Drawings: Vanessa Ezekowitz Mesocyclone Radar Image:Pedro Spoladore - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Image: Greensburg3_small.gif Crash Images: Public Domain This is the story of NLM city hopper flight 431, on the 6th of october 1981 a Fokker F28 regional jet was to fly from rotterdam to hamburg with a stopover in eindhoven. By the way youtube please don't demonetize me for the name of the plane, that's literally what its called. Speaking of what the plane was called, this particular F28 was called eindhoven after the city that it was about to fly to. On that day the plane had 17 occupants for the short flight to eindhoven from rotterdam. The weather on the 6th of october wasnt too good, a depression over ireland was really messing up the weather systems over the netherlands. A weather system moved over the country over the course of the day. Cold and warm air mixed together creating some nasty weather that day. it wasn't the best day for flying but nothing seemed to be out of the ordinary just yet By 3:20 PM GMT, the crew had their first weather briefing. They were told of a thunderstorm that was located southeast of rotterdam. It was something that they had to keep their eye on as they climbed out of the airport. The weather report said that the weather system would pass over the airport at about 4:00 PM GMT with winds ranging from 15 knots to 25 knots. Nothing to worry about. At 4:04 pm the plane took off, right after takeoff the plane banked to the south over the city. As they did they checked the weather, they noticed some very intense activity on the weather radar and asked for a change in course to avoid the worst of the weather. The plane sped up to 230 knots as it started to enter the outskirts of the storm. They were aiming for a break in the clouds, they hoped that the small opening in the weather would keep them away from the worst of it. As the plane waded further and further into the weather system the plane started to be buffeted by strong winds from either side. As flight 431 passed the river the hollands diep it had climbed to 3000 feet and by that point the turbulence had gotten much worse. The plane was experiencing G forces of upto 6.8 Gs The small plane held out for as long as it could, on one of these encounters winds pushed the right wing of the plane up then the right wing was pushed down by the turbulence. With so much force that the right hand wing broke off. An intact plane had entered the storm cell and a broken one emerged from it. The plane came down near the town of moerdijk, no one onboard survived. Saying that flight 431 had flown into some turbulence is an understatement. What they experienced was something much more violent , something that wasnt that well understood at that time. They had flown into a meso cyclone or in other words a tornado. In fact right after the crash a picture of a tornado touching down was captured by a resident. Before we can understand how a passenger jet flew head first into a tornado we need to understand how a tornado could form in such a way that no one could detect it. A Meso cyclone is basically a giant vortex of roating air, and it all starts with shear. On that day there were two fonts a cold front and a warm front, this caused winds to blow in two different


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Comments - 653
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    @spddiesel3 years ago Your opening reminded me of a joke my dad used to tell me. There was an irish pilot in the raf that was in a huge dogfight in wwii. For his bravery, he . ...Expand 434
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    @jamesmcguire53123 years ago I flew in the united states for various companies for almost 40 years. I found the best way to get out of trouble is to not go into a storm of any kind. . ...Expand 307
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    @pop5678eye3 years ago For clarification: a meso-cyclone is a large storm thatspins and can last hours and not a tornado, which touches the ground and on average lasts only a few minutes) but it often spawns them as part of its turbulent updraft. ...Expand 201
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    @Ronin46143 years ago There is a rule about flying into clouds, things inside a cloud are never as bad as they seem from the outside, they are worse. Tack on the darker the cloud the worse it is. Very good review of this mishap, as always. 139
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    @frdml013 years ago I remember this one well.
    living in rotterdam, i always listened out the rotterdam atc while i was doing homework for school.
    i heard this their destination was to the south east of rotterdam, but a few minutes into the flight i heard the pilots asking for a course change to a south westerly direction to avoid weather.
    less than 2 hours later i heard on the news that they had crashed. The course change had taken them right into the tornado, close to the town of moerdijk.
    hearing the pilot myself over atc asking for the course change, and at the young age i was then, made this one very personal to me
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    @rrknl51873 years ago Back in the late 70s - early 80s, i owned and flew a piper comanche. Single engine, 4 seats, retractable gear. I had an instrument rating and occasionally my worst turbulence was while flying in a warm front, sort of choppy but not bad. Then i flew into an embedded thunderstorm cell.
    suddenly, the turbulence became severe, bouncing around all over. Very rapid altitude changes and ton of rain, it was like flying up a fire hose.
    it seemed like at least an hour but in reality, it was likely a minute or so. I came out of it about 2, 0' higher than my cruising altitude.
    the rest of the flight was uneventful
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    @ccib003 years ago Weather is still the worst enemy to the plane. Good thing we have a better tech to detect these storms. By the way, congrats to 100k subs! 192
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    @titan41103 years ago You know you' re watching a youtube video when the creator has to request youtube to not demonetize him cause of a plane' s name. 52
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    @itsiepits3 years ago I live in dordrecht, and did some shopping that midday late. It was cloudy and windy but not realy bad. I heard the plane flying over the city, not knowing it would crash some minutes later. Too bad! 36
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    @static_actual3 years ago " obviously they don' t mean they actually flew directly into a tornado"
    " oh. Never mind. "
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    @8bitorgy3 years ago Your ability to explain things clearly incidentally made one of the best tutorials of how a tornado forms. 7
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    @davidtucker37293 years ago " we are going to die. We are gonna die" the women a few rows ahead of us was screaming as our air italia flight bounced up and down. It wasn' t . ...Expand 18
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    @Not_mera3 years ago " hot and cold air" " aiming for a break in the clouds" oh no. That' s the eye. 69
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    @aaltvandenham3 years ago I am dutch, and 27 years old when this happend.
    you did not miss anything important of the dutch report. Very glad you made this video.
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    @normaal46633 years ago Actually 18 people lost their lives that day because of the crash, 17 on board of the plane and a firefighter on the ground who happened to witness the crash and suffered a heartattack. 18
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    @aldenconsolver34283 years ago Thank you for detailing that disaster. I live out here in tornado alley usa and those storms are always part of the summer season. As you have time i would . ...Expand 6
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    @timh95373 years ago Hey douglas. I gotta say it' s pretty amazing seeing how far this channel has come. I' ve been here since you had something like 12k subs, and back . ...Expand 10
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    @johnangier5063 years ago About 50 years ago i flew out of an airport in split croatia (then yugoslavia) they held our flight because of turbulence. On the ground all was calm. . ...Expand 18
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    @Akula1143 years ago The worst turbulence i ever flew through as a passenger was probably back in 1974 or 5. Eastern dc-9 from greenville spartanburg (sc) to washington in after maybe 10 minutes or so the captain finally came on. Not to tell us to keep our seat belts on (the sign never went off) instead he welcomed us aboard " a dc-9, the jaguar of the skies. " he went on, " this baby can do ground to its maximum ceiling standing on its tail. "
    the captain owned up at, " this baby. " we cheered, laughed out loud and applauded as he went on. I know i' ve heard from one or two others who flew with this guy, and we all had the same feeling. If an engine was on fire and he asked one of us to go pee on it, we' d have fought our way to the door. I won' t say he was better, but this captain was right up there with chuck yeager. I' l never forget how he put us all totally at ease. God bless that guy and all like him
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    @stanislavkostarnov21573 years ago Btw: flew klm citihoppers a lot in their time. Very nice small planes in the fleet, but also, tended to be very weather prone (fun little adventures id="hidden14" as a kid, but they seemed very turbulence happy back then, not really avoiding weather if they did not " have to". ...Expand 30
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    @timofthomas3 years ago About 21 years ago i was flying into what is now an airbus site on a small bae jetstream - we landed through a thunderstorm - only myself and the pilot . ...Expand 5
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    @Maven06663 years ago The problem with staying ten /twenty miles away from storms already formed is a storm can form very quickly. Much quicker than twenty minutes. 7
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    @sammyhill693 years ago Once plummeted violently during turbulence in an emirates a380 over coober pedy, australia (syd-dxb) 2009. Several people were injured including a flight . ...Expand 4
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    @atharvanene34353 years ago Congrats on 100k mate, really enjoyed your video on aix 1344. 11
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    @Springbok2953 years ago I remember flying into ams in august ' 83 on an austrian dc-9. There were nlm f-28s and f-27s galore. 5
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    @jimchadwick30543 years ago Flying into atl several years ago, we encountered the edge of a microburst. The airplane (b727-200) dropped over 200 ft and the wings flexed upward when . ...Expand 21
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    @smitsduncan1003 years ago I' m dutch and i love aviation, but i never knew this happened. Thank you for this story! 3
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    @generalscoob90953 years ago Congratulations on 100, 0 subscribers! You deserve it! 8
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    @warnisxr3 years ago Apart form a minor slip at , where you swapped origin and destination, your account is a 100% accurate, in spite of the trouble of the report being in Dutch. I know, because Dutch is my native language and recently I wrote a song about this crash. For that I studied the report in detail. B.t.w., I tremendously enjoy your video's and your calm and pleasant voice. .. ...Expand 5
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    @briandavies19103 years ago Flying from dubai to jakarta on emerates, landing during a thunderstorm is scary, adding the dark cloud, and flashing of the and that turblance was the worst i experienced. 10
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    @whoever64583 years ago I used to live in per and i would fly back to visit my family in the us periodically so i flew over the tropical conversion area along the equator pretty on another occasion, i was on a plane trying to land at dallas-forth worth in terrible thunderstorms. There was turbulence all the way down to the ground and then the wind blew us first to one side and then the other, both times looking like we nearly struck the wing on the runway. But the pilots managed to force the plane down when it was level and we landed. It was such a harrowing landing that everyone clapped. The turbulence on that one wasn' t as violent as on the one over the tropics, but we were definitely in more danger just because of our proximity to the ground. ...Expand 8
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    @themonasterio113 years ago Just getting better. Keep on the good work! Greetings from brazil! 3
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    @Abgilosby3 years ago Focke-wulf: exists
    youtube: and i took that personally.
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    @markberry85883 years ago Thanks for another bedtime story! Hello from australia congrats on 100k. 3
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    @AIRDRAC3 years ago My worst turbulence was in the jet stream flying from nyc to cph (copenhagen, denmark) it lasted a full three hours, where the plane jerked around so id="hidden21" much that only the seatbelts kept us from flying from our seats, even causing negative g-forces at times! Naturally, it started while i was in the bathroom. ...Expand 9
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    @Aranimda3 years ago Nlm cityhopper was subsidiary of klm and is since rebranded as klm cityhopper. 18
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    @ziggyzap13 years ago I love fokker aircraft, i wish they were still in business. 3
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    @renedehilster57353 years ago A minor thing: this flight started at zestienhoven (now called rotterdam - the hague airport) near rotterdam and was bound for hamburg with a stopover . ...Expand 3
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    @brownman2.0373 years ago Congratulations on 100k! I been watching you since 50k. 3
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    @TheAutisticOwl3 years ago " don' t demonetise me, that is just how you say the name. "
    youtube hopefully: have a nice day"
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    @peterdekker85453 years ago @mini air crash investigation
    i was wondering when (or: if) any of the numerous plane crash channels on youtube would make a video about this q glad to see that someone finally did! Well done!. ...Expand
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    @fallandbounce3 years ago On a flight north out of charlotte a decade ago was where i learned that there isn' t much you can do as a passenger when your plane drops. Several . ...Expand 5
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    @bartskinthepro31383 years ago Really big congrats to you for hitting 100. 0 subs! 2
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    @c128stuff3 years ago Hey, thanks for this. I remember this accident (it wasn' t very far from where i lived back then) but never really knew what happened there. 3
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    @RupertReynolds19623 years ago In holland, fokker is often pronounced with the " o" like the " ow" inbecause it sounds bad otherwise: 17
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    @stanislavkostarnov21573 years ago I think, stay away from these kinds of storms was always the method most used, amp; still is to this day.
    even if you see them, those systems id="hidden25" change far too fast for anyone to deal with; the only thing is, they were never really a thing of concern for aviators in europe and pilots were not properly trained to recognize them
    . ...Expand 27
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    @matthendricks96663 years ago We once did an approach to delhi international airport with an airbus a330. There was no ts in the area but scattered highly convective clouds forming . ...Expand 1
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    @filonru3 years ago In the 90s i was once on a fokker 50 from brussels to amsterdam schiphol. Flight was more than an hour late already because of bad weather (force 7 winds, . ...Expand
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    @danilon31213 years ago Thanks for another solid video. I love seeing things that i haven' t come across before. 2
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    @minxythemerciless3 years ago I flew in f28s in the early 1980s. The only issue was someone forgot to latch the passenger door and it sprang open on take-off. Interesting landing: id="hidden28" but the worst turbulence was in a bae-146 going through an extremely strong cold front. It was a magnificent aircraft. It was tossed to and fro, up and down, left and right, engines spooling up and down to compensate i never felt more sure of my aircraft and pilot than that time. ...Expand 1
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    @vonmazur13 years ago The worst turbulence? Vietnam in 1969, massive thunderstorms where we flew in the mekong delta. The usual procedure was to fly around the cells, which . ...Expand 1
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    @wafikiri76763 years ago In 1979, i was a pilot student. Two of us were flying solo in a one-engine plane, one of our first flights with no instructor on board. When we took off . ...Expand 1
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    @advorak85293 years ago Flew into a tornado and i was going, yeah, thatd be bad, low level midair with a supersonic plane (the panavia kind of tornado) 4
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    @alskdjfhg03 years ago Long time watcher. Congrats on 100k dude!
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    @dryphtyr3 years ago I fly often for work. This is one of my favorite channels. Keep up the great work.
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    @darrencoles48943 years ago I really enjoyed it, i have 1900 hours flying the fokker f28 10 & 40 series as a 1st officer. I miss the f28, a fantastic jet.
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    @zerobeat20203 years ago Worst turbulence i have ever encountered was in a loganair saab 340 from stornoway to inverness after stormy weather. We had a few times negative g on . ...Expand 1
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    @Eruthian3 years ago Worst turbulence i had was during my training for gliders liscence. Our field had a huge forest on one side, slightly elevated towards the field aswell. . ...Expand
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    @blakena49073 years ago Holy crap, you finally hit 100k subs! Congrats man! 1
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    @erictaylor54623 years ago My dad was ga pilot growing up, and it was quite common for our family to fly if we were traveling more than a couple hundred miles.
    i' m not my parents were flying once with one of the other partners who owned the plane and his wife, giving the guy a flying lesson (dad was a cfi) at one point of a very remote section of the rocky mountains they hit a bit of turbulence and the wife freaked out. With pure adrenalin strength she managed to get the door open and very nearly jumped out of the plane.
    they were able to get the woman calmed down but dad performed an emergency landing to get the woman on the ground. Sadly, the other partner had to buy out of the partnership.
    small planes are a lot more susceptible to turbulence and much more likely to encounter it. The air down low can be very unstable but up high it is pretty smooth
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    @TravelFilming3 years ago Have been flying for 35 years now and i once in mid 2001 was on an air exel embraer erj145 (daytime) flight from munich to maastricht. Before boarding . ...Expand 3
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    @burliesanford18633 years ago In the early 80' s i was on a american airlines 737 flight from denver co. To tulsa ok. We landed during a tornado warning at tulsa and let me tell . ...Expand 1
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    @gregbowen6173 years ago I remember flying back from thursday island in the torres straight between australia and new guinea and the turbulence was frightening. Ironically it was in a fokker f27 absolutely scary bouncing around up there. 1
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    @claytonhollowell44883 years ago Worst turbulence? El paso to las vegas. Got out and kissed the ground after that, and i wasn' t the only one.
    scariest moment though was a . ...Expand 1
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    @Ztbmrc13 years ago I am from the netherlands and i was 15 years back in 1981. I have never heard of this crash! And i could have helped you with translating the dutch report. . ...Expand 2
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    @dell1773 years ago In the 80' s i was on a commuter jet coming into logan int in boston, there was a bit of buffeting on the flight from nyc but nothing really severe. i was one of the last passengers off that flight and back then they had portable bars set up around the terminal and i decided to grab a drink and let the crowd dissipate. The pilot and copilot were at the bar and i thanked them for a job well done. ...Expand
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    @javasrevenge71213 years ago I remember this one, i worked for a shipping company, a manager died who worked for the headoffice in hamburg. Some managers from our office in rotterdam went to his funeral with this plane and died also.
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    @warrenmacdonald13723 years ago I know when you started this channel, part of why you did, was to help with your English language vernacular. At the term "take for granted today" had a transposed word and "take granted for today" was said. I wasn't going to say anything but you mentioned to correct what said, probably because of translation errors. I love your channel, congratulations on 100K. i've been a sub since 8.5k. .. ...Expand 2
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    @bhercock3 years ago Great video. Thanks for outlining the science behind it. I had never heard about this before. Thanks for your amazing channel bro!
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    @robertgotschall12463 years ago I flew from san diego to las vegas in 1968. It was a prop job and we had severe turbulence the entire flight. The stewardesses remained buckled up except . ...Expand 1
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    @asteverino85693 years ago Thanks for the episode. Scary stuff
    liked the information you gave at the end too.
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    @rickyrico803 years ago +1 for the pronunciation of the dutch city names, especially eindhoven. Almost no butchering, a youtube first! 3
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    @Al_Sa_Ku3 years ago Your knowledge sharing is very important for us and thanks a lot for it.
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    @TheaSvendsen3 years ago This was a very interesting and slightly different kind of mini air crash investigation - would you perhaps consider doing a series of sorts about the i mean, we all know people smoked on planes etc but theres just so much more!. ...Expand
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    @Morpheus-pt3wq3 years ago My worst turbulence was each time, when i was a passenger in my fathers car. He can only drive fast or faster, ignores all limits and even well-being of his passengers. The more curvy roads, the worse it was. 6
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    @cargopilot7473 years ago Nice to see you' ve got 100k subscribers now.
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    @guitarsarelikestupid72003 years ago In 1985 my parents took me and my two siblings to visit relatives in the uk and go on a bus tour of france. The plane was a pan am 747. Two weeks later . ...Expand
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    @lawrencebrandstetter11333 years ago I took a 421a cessna thru a t storm at fl180. 93f on the ground, ran into ice at altitude. Wings level, dropped to maneuvering speed, didnt worry about a no damage toa ride. That old bird held together pretty well. ...Expand
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    @commerce-usa3 years ago Worst weather flight happened on a flight from san francisco to denver. Night time, clear skies. The clear air turbulence hit with surprising force first . ...Expand 2
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    @compphysgeek3 years ago Your intro remark about the plane' s name reminded me of a radio transmission a few years back. The pilot who made the transmission apparently was so if anyone knows what i am talking about, please provide me a link to the story. ...Expand
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    @alpha28._3 years ago I am very early. Btw, congrats for 100. 0 subscriber: d. 2
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    @RoscoRide3 years ago Just came up on this channel great in-depth explanation and well spoken.
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    @57Jimmy3 years ago Me being an aaib, tsb, ntsb and every other accident investigation junkie, i thought i had seen them all.
    nope! Thanks for bringing this one to my fascination of aircraft accidents and mishaps!
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    @Rincypoopoo3 years ago Worst turbulence? In the circuit at biggen hill. Pic on an aa5-a. A massive thunderstorm erupted on the down wind. Cumulo/nimbus puffs and lightning id="hidden50" all over the place and the plane trying to turn somersaults and fly backwards. Arms aching. After some minutes of this bashing the radio pipes up. " november golf. Be advised possibility of storms nearby" " oh really? Never noticed" yeah there used to be a bit of a delay in the weather updates in the eighties. ...Expand 4
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    @markgeorge82433 years ago I think you do great videos, i very much enjoy them every time you come out with a new one, and don' t worry about anybody correcting you, the internet police can kiss our butt. Keep on doing what you' re doing man! 1
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    @fionakronert50603 years ago My husband is a cargo pilot, so here we go,
    early years flying commuters around 1990, flying from st louis to decatur, illinois, at night there suddenly the sky turns black, and the airport and runway disappear. The turbulence was severe and instruments in the cockpit that were four inches in diameter looked to be twelve inches from the rapid shaking, we had flown into a roll cloud, seconds passed like minutes, but we probably in all reality flew out of it in no more than ten or twelve seconds.
    the runway was again visible, the tower told us there had been a ninety degree wind shift and instructed us to land on a crossing runway, immediately after touchdown all the runway lights went out and we stopped on the runway while a conveniently positioned sheriffs car drove out, and thankfully guided us into the parking ramp. A category 4 tornado had just touched down on the north east side of decatur which caused the whole town and airport to black out entirely. No injuries or damage to the airframe, but we were all rapidly whisked into the terminal and a makeshift shelter. He' s talking, i' m typing)
    so to close, as he says, it was an excellent landing, no damage and the plane was still airworthy
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    @Double0pi3 years ago Thanks for this video! I hadn' t heard of this crash before.
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    @bjornleonhenry97503 years ago Oh yes, a new upload, we love your videos bro!
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    @martine-e-dee2 years ago A very educational video! Thank you for it!
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    @Ananth81933 years ago Awesome to see your videos. Great work man.